the highroad to success! And tell Nina I'll expect to find you
both happy in your child - both of you., tell her! — happy in
your child! Tell her that, Sam!
(He turns and goes to the door.)
(Thinking as he goes.)
That does it I . . . honourably! . . . I'm free! . • .
(He goes out-then through the front door - a moment
later Ms motor is heard starting
- dies away.)
(Stares after him dumbly in the same state of happy
- mumbles.)
Thank you-Ned!
(Thinking disjointedly.)
Why did I doubt myself? . . . now she loves me . . .
she's loved me right along . . . I've been a fool . • ,
(He suddenly falls on his knees.)
O God, I thank you!
(Nina comes in from the kitchen. She stops in amaze-
ment token she sees him on his knees. He jumps
to his feet and takes her in his arms with confi-
dent happiness and kisses her.)
Oh, Nina, I love you so! And now I know you love me!
FU never be afraid of anything again!
(Bewildered and terror-stricken, trying feebly to push
him away - thinking?)
Has he ... has he gone crazy? . » #
Sam! What's come over you, Sam?